Categories: Networking

What’s the Difference?

Local Networking Groups

Not all local networking groups are created equally.  For instance, have you ever walked into a room hoping to connect with the right people, but you soon realize it’s just your standard business card mixer?  Sure, someone you meet might be great at what they do, but it’s impossible to determine that from a business card and a surface conversation.  Additionally, half the room might be filled with people who do exactly what you do. Consequently, the odds are stacked against you right from the start for any meaningful networking to occur.


Business Referral Group

A better option is to join a networking organization that creates an environment for highly vetted professionals to pass referrals without direct competition.  Consequently, only one, highly qualified person representing each specific profession would be allowed to join. Additionally, if a residential real estate agent wants that spot, he or she must provide client references. Next, the business referral group would check those references of previous successful home sales and listings.  Consequently, the client references would asked about their experience and the level of professionalism of the individual.

Networking Group of Business Professionals

Assuming the references are favorable and the real estate agent is approved for membership, no other real estate agent would be allowed to join. As a result, all real estate referrals would pass to that one person.  Additionally, this system of vetting repeats for every other business category. Consequently, the outcome would be a diverse group of professionals. Best of all, they are all focused on helping each other grow their business through word-of-mouth referrals.

Weekly Networking Events

How often should the group get together?  The best types of networking organizations allow for members to meet on a weekly basis.  As a result, trust among the members builds rather quickly. Consequently, trust is the key component to the best referral relationships.  Additionally, some organizations only hold monthly mixers or promote bi-monthly meetings. However, anything less than weekly networking events doesn’t work. Conversely, monthly meetings would result in a longer timeline to develop the level of trust required to refer someone to your best client.

There are many options when it comes to local networking groups. However, the most effective type is one that is comprised of highly qualified professionals that do not compete with each other and meet weekly to pass referrals.

Please click to visit our Fort Lauderdale Networking Events.

